Access Leasing Corporation
Investment Strategies
Determining the correct strategy for an investment is dependent upon many factors. Access Leasing has a proven, 30+ year track record of identifying leasing and financing opportunities, finding appropriate investment partners, structuring the deal and then actively overseeing the investment to successfully meet the established goals of all parties.

Access makes situational use of both time-tested approaches and innovative strategies, including, but certainly not limited to, outright equity purchases, call options and joint-venture partnerships, to achieve the desired outcomes.

Outright Equity Purchase
Access Leasing purchases up to 100% of the lessor's interest in the equipment subject to the existing lease. Access typically pays cash for such equity interest and assumes any associated non-recourse debt.

In the past Access has consummated such transactions with a variety of institutional lessors,a partial list of which includes those presently owned by JP Morgan Chase, Mellon Bank, Merrill Lynch, BankOne, Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi, DeutscheBank and Wells Fargo.

Call Options
Access Leasing purchases call options on the residual values of leased equipement. By paying the lessor an option premium today, Access obtains the right to either purchase the underlying equipment at the lease expiration date for a specified strike price or, alternatively, share in the residual proceeds in excess of such strike price. The strike price typically equals the lessor's booked residual value, which enables the lessor to book the option premium as current income. Thus the lessor monetizes the residual upside without having to sell the underlying lease. This effective lessor portfolio management tool was invented by Access Leasing.

In the past Access has consummated such transactions with a variety of institutional lessors, a partial list of which includes those presently owned by Citibank, Household International, JP Morgan Chase, Chrysler Capital, BankofAmerica and Lazard Freres.

Joint Venture Partnership
Access Leasing is open to, and actively seeking, mutually-beneficial joint-venture partnerships. Over the last 30 years, Access has worked side-by-side with many of the most important names in equipment leasing and financing, including Milestone, Seacor Holdings, Inc, and Cypress Financial Corporation.

Milestone is a full service transportation equipment leasing and asset management company. They specialize in motor carrier and rail industry related intermodal equipment; including domestic containers, chassis, piggyback trailers and highway trailers.

Cypress invests in long-lived, core equipment assets that are vital to the transportation, energy, and industrial sectors. To date, the firm has completed $1 billion in acquisitions on behalf of its investors.

SEACOR and its subsidiaries are in the business of owning, operating, investing in and marketing equipment, primarily in the offshore oil and gas, shipping and logistics industries.